Saturday, December 6, 2014

Module 10 Favorite Historical Fiction Book

Growing up, my favorite historical fiction book was always The First Thanksgiving Day: A Counting Story." I really enjoyed this book growing up because Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. This book tells a story about the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians celebrating their first Thanksgiving feast together. When reading this book to the classroom, I would ask the students how many of them celebrate thanksgiving with their family and friends to show that without the Pilgrams and Wampanoags coming together, we would not have Thanksgiving to this day. I would also have the students do partner talk during reading and describe what they eat on thanksgiving and compare it to what their classmates eat and also what the characters ate in the book. Comparing and contrasting is a great way for students to learn more about their particular topic. I feel reading this book out loud, pausing, and having open group discussions is a great way for students to learn more about their students Thanksgiving plans. As a student in elementary school, I loved hearing about what different families did on different holidays. This particular activity can be targeted from first to even as high up as sixth grade. Celebrating and learning about different holidays are always exciting for young and older individuals.

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