Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Revising for me is always kind of tricky in a way. When it comes to revising other student's work, I always make sure that I give them HELPFUL feedback. One thing I hate when other students revise my work is when they tell me its good and hand it back without saying anything. One thing about writing is it can always be better. Destructive criticism is always helpful, because if your professor is reading and grading your paper, you want it to be the best it can be. Revising your own paper can be a little tricky. For me, sometimes I don't know whether to keep certain things, get rid of it, or try and change it. However, that's the point of revising. When you get a paper back, you're able to revise it and make your final paper ten times better. I really enjoy in my English class that I'm in now, that my professor reads our first drafts and gives us three tries to revise our papers. He has our peers read and revise our papers, while he also revises it. Then we are able to revise it ourselves for our final draft. Revising is critical in creating your best work and seeing mistakes you might not have seen when you created your first draft.

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